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VPXL vs. Other Male Enhancement Supplements: a Detailed Comparison

To date, on the market there are many tools to improve men’s health. Many men prefer natural remedies, because they do not want to take synthetic medicines. Some natural medicines are developed to improve erection, others help to grow your penis permanently, and the third group of medicaments provides complex effect. How to understand this variety and choose the right supplement? In this article, we will compare three very popular supplements for improving male sexual capabilities. They are VPXL, Endowmax, and Xytomax.
Endowmax – Improving Sex Life and Penis Enlargement

The supplement is based on premium formula containing several natural components. They work as follows:
- Epimedium (also known as horny goat) is a medicinal plant, referred to the barberry family. The rich component composition of this plant provides its property to stimulate the work of the male reproductive system. The medicinal plant components help to normalize blood circulatory processes in the body. Taking epimedium will help the body to increase the blood filling of the cavernous bodies of the male genital organ and to achieve a sufficiently strong and prolonged penile erection in an excited state. This effect is achieved due to icariin (an active flavonoid contained in epimedium).
- Tribulus terrestris is a plant that grows in many parts of the world. It prefers a cold climate and is considered a weed. Tribulus terrestris contains an active substance that increases the male libido and the amount of testosterone in the body. This effect is associated with the release of nitric oxide, due to which more blood enters the penis.
- Maca is a root crop growing in the mountainous regions of South America. It is used for cooking different dishes. Also, maca is a known component of many medicines to improve masculine health. The indigenous people used it to increase the fertility of livestock. Studies have shown that Maca increases genital blood flow, reduces swelling of the prostate and has a mild sedative effect (decreases anxiety).
- Muira puama (medicinal name Ptychopetalum) is a herb with flowers that originates from Amazon. It is often found in various health supplements for men. However, there are not very many studies that support the effect of plants on male health. It has been shown that it has an anxiogenic effect, that is, it increases the excitability of the nervous system. This can be useful for some men with depression, however for nervous men this property can only hinder in achieving sexual arousal.
- Arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid. It is produced in the body in healthy people, but with age, its synthesis is reduced. Arginine plays a number of important functions in the functioning of the body. Arginine is a donor of nitric oxide in the body. The more nitric oxide is in the blood, the stronger is the blood flow in the penis. This effect is proved by a multitude of studies. In addition, arginine is used by athletes to enhance muscle building during training sessions.
- Cnidium monnieri (also known snowparsley) is a flowering plant, parts of which have found their application in plant preparations for increasing potency. It has an effect similar to that of Viagra. Therefore, the Chinese call it “herbal Viagra”. The plant contains an active ingredient called osthol, which increases the activity of gonadotropin, testosterone, androgen hormones and nitric oxide. This has a positive effect on libido and penile erection.
- Catuaba is a part of the tree bark originating from Latin America. It is believed that this component is an aphrodisiac that increases libido in male persons.
How does Endowmax Work?
During ejaculation, muscle contractions cause pleasant sensations. Thanks to the powerful component composition, the drug stimulates the production of sperm, which allows for prolonging orgasm in men. A number of patients taking the supplement noted improvement in blood filling and size of the penile organ. Also, Endowmax generates a good blood flow to the genitals. Therefore, cavernous bodies are completely filled with blood, which provides good erection. All of the above effects taken together lead to an improvement in sexual life and partnership.
To achieve maximum results, men are recommended to take the medicine twice a day – in the morning during breakfast and in the evening with dinner. The desired effect in full is achieved approximately in 3 months after the start of the use of the drug. Some patients get results earlier. Of course, by the speed of action the medication is inferior to such drugs as Viagra and Cialis, but it has a clear advantage – 100% natural composition.
Possible Side Effects of Endowmax
The supplement can cause some side effects:
- it may mimic action of estrogen (due to Maca in its composition);
- a decrease in sexual arousal in some men with increased anxiety (this is a possible adverse effect of Muira Poema);
- lowering arterial pressure (arginine dilates the blood vessels, which be dangerous for people with hypotension);
- worsening of herpes symptoms (there is an opinion that arginine favors the reproduction of the herpes virus);
- allergic reactions, worsening of edema in the respiratory tract.
Xytomax – the Remedy for Male’s Sexual Performance

Xytomax is a natural supplement to enlarge sexual performance and erection of men. It was created by Dr. Alexander Cowley who used about 20 (!) ingredients in the composition of the supplement. According to the reviews, the use of Xytomax resulted in a significant improvement in men’s erection. The supplement contains the following main components:
1. Xanthoparmelia scabrosis. Seeds of this plant contribute to the expansion of the vessels (vasodilation) inside the penis, improving its blood filling.
2. Extract of the bark of yohimbe tree. It is one of the most famous natural ingredients for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It also has a pronounced stimulating effect.
3. Damiana. This plant is recognized throughout the world as a potent aphrodisiac. It helps to improve the supply of oxygen to the penis, so that this organ begins to work better.
4. Ginseng. The root of this plant acts as a tonic remedy, it eliminates the signs of psychological and physical overwork. It’s known that these symptoms in most cases are causes of decreased libido.
5. Zinc oxide. Zn is a trace element that is necessary for the synthesis of the basic male hormone testosterone & follicle-stimulating hormone, which are responsible for the production of sperm.
Other components of the Xytomax include arginine, maca, epimedium, cnidium monnieri (these ingredients have been described above), as well as royal jelly, ginkgo biloba extract, gamma-Aminobutyric acid, longjack extract, etc.
How does Xytomax Work?
The formula of the supplement is unique. It contains a lot of clinically proven elements that synergistically provide needed effects on the male reproductive system. Xytomax not only enhances blood flow in the penis and improves the quality of erections, but also positively affects the entire body. Many men who took the supplement noted that they had improved their sex life significantly. However, the drug is not the best choice to increase the penile organ.
Manufacturers say that the first positive effect of the drug begins to appear after the first month of its administration. However, in order to obtain the full range of effects, male persons are recommended to take Xytomax within a year.

Adverse Effects of Xytomax
As in the case of the previous supplement, the possible side effects of Xytomax are related to its composition. This additive can cause the following side effects:
- insomnia or, on the contrary, increased drowsiness;
- large fluctuations in blood pressure;
- changes in heart rate and shortness of breath;
- allergic reactions;
- headache;
- redness of the skin (due to vasodilation);
- increased nervous excitement.
To minimize the risk of side effects, do not exceed the recommended dosage.
VPXL Pills – Probably the Most Powerful Tool for Penis Enlargement

VPXL is a revolutionary herbal product designed primarily to increase the male sexual organ. In the first month of use, men usually improve their sexual health. Then they begin to observe changes in penis size.
VPXL ingredients are:
- Mucuna pruriens;
- Longifolia;
- Tribulus terrestris;
- Vitamin E;
- Valerian root;
- Withania somnifera;
- Pueraria tuberosa;
- Albizia lebbeck.
How VPXL Works?
The drug has two mechanisms of operation. The first one is an increase in blood flow in the parts of the penis (cavernous bodies). The second one is stimulation of the development of new cells. This effect (that is, penis enlargement) is achieved due to Mucuna Pruriens, Longifolia, and Tribulus Terrestris present in the composition of the supplement.
Thus, VPXL expands the penis at the cellular level and provides better blood current in the organ. How to take the drug? Producers recommend consuming 2 capsules of VPXL per day. It is best to divide this dosage into two equal parts – one capsule is taken in the morning and another one should be administered in the evening.
VPXL results are great. Males can expect the following effects of using the supplement:
- increase in length and diameter of the penis (main effect);
- improvement of erection;
- increased sexual stamina;
- prolongation of ejaculation (orgasm);
- improved control over ejaculation.
The side effects of this supplement are similar to those of the previous two medicaments. They usually do not occur except for cases of overdose.

Conclusion: What is Better?
We think that the winner among male enhancing supplements (in terms of penis enlargement) is VPXL. It contains the largest number of components that help to increase the male organ. Endowmax is also a good supplement, but the effect of increasing the organ is not so pronounced. It is designed primarily to enhance sexual performance.
If you don’t want to enlarge your penis in length and girth significantly, you can choose another supplement, Xytomax. It slightly affects penis size, but it contains a lot of potent components for enhancing sexual performance & erection.